
Cultural Significance of African Masks and Sculptures

Laure FossiApr 21, '24

Introduction to African Art African masks and sculptures hold profound cultural significance across the continent, embodying the rich traditions, spiritual beliefs, and social values of various ethnic groups. These artifacts are not merely decorative but are imbued with symbolic meanings and functions, often used in ceremonial contexts to communicate with...

The Impact of Ethical Sourcing on Global Artisan Communities

Laure FossiApr 21, '24

Novarena's Commitment to Fair Trade At Novarena, ethical sourcing is at the heart of our business model. By engaging in fair trade practices, we ensure that artisans are compensated fairly, which supports sustainable living and economic stability in artisan communities. This commitment extends across our bracelets and headwraps collections, among...

Trendsetting with African Headwraps and Clothing

Laure FossiApr 21, '24

Fashion Fusion: Traditional Meets Contemporary African headwraps and clothing are making significant inroads into the fashion industry. Novarena's African Headwraps and Clothing collection offers a plethora of options that not only embrace traditional African elements but also meet modern fashion needs. Styling Tips Incorporating African headwraps into your daily wear...

Why baby talk is good for your baby

Laure KouamouJan 29, '18

A mother plays with her baby. Early language is spurred by the frequent use of exaggerated language, a study shows. A key indicator is babbling. (ERIK DE CASTRO/REUTERS) By University of Washington, January 13, 2014 One-on-one baby talk with an infant gives a toddler a bigger vocabulary Study Hall presents recent studies...